We, activists of Voice of Amazighe Woman Association:
• After following the serious repercussions of the events, which took place at « Ibn Zahr » University in Agadir and reached its peak last Saturday May the 19th, 2018,
• After viewing the recordings as live testimonies of a group of students at the same university, which show the horrible conditions that these students went through, especially that the period coincides with their exams.
• Since a group of students reported in these recordings that they were subjected to abuse, harassment and intimidation of the worst kind by Polisario armed militias (which amounted to the threat to rape).
• And since these situations have caused students and their families anguish and fear especially in the region of Sous and Assamr.
• We wish to:
• Express our strong condemnation of all forms of intimidation, harassment, torture and detention inflicted on the students of Ibn Zuhr University, particularly students in the Amazigh Studies department.
• Express our solidarity with the students who are victims of these condemned acts which undermine the sanctity of the university and strike the heart of its values and noble mission.
• Reaffirm our position as « Voice of Amazighe Woman association » and our unconditional solidarity with all the female students who are exposed to violence in all its manifestations: physical, psychological and verbal, as we stand with the families of these students.
• Hold the national authorities, locally and regionally, responsible in providing security protection at the University of Ibn Zahr, especially for the abused female students.
• Hold the Ministry of Higher Education responsible for the dire situations at different national universities, particularly the « Ibn Zahr » University in Agadir.
Voice of Amazighe Woman association